Japanese Tea at Banks

Jun 6, 2016 21:11
It's said that there are a lot of jargon in banks.

Today, I will talk about two interesting jargon in Japanese banks.

Jargon 1: Japanese tea

Annoying, unwieldy, or suspicious customers are called "Japanese tea."

In actual situations, bankers say something like "Japanese tea, please" to another employee to show such a customer is coming.

I'm not sure why Japanese tea is used.

Jargon 2: zabuton (a flat Japanese cushion)

Ten thousands 10,000 yen bills, that is 100 million yen is called "zabuton."

The reason is because aligned bundles of bills look like zabuton.

I'd like to see such zabuton someday.










No. 1 Emily's correction
  • It's said that there are a lot of jargon in banks.
  • It's said that there is a lot of jargon at banks.
  • Today, I will talk about two interesting jargon in Japanese banks.
  • Today, I will talk about two interesting bits of jargon in Japanese banks.pieces ofpoints oftypes of
Very interesting!
Thank you very much for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 Timmy's correction
  • Today, I will talk about two interesting jargon in Japanese banks.
  • Today, I will talk about two interesting jargon words used in Japanese banks.
  • Annoying, unwieldy, or suspicious customers are called "Japanese tea."
  • Annoying, unwieldy, or suspicious clients are called "Japanese tea."
  • I'm not sure why Japanese tea is used.
  • I'm not sure why they call them "Japanese tea".
  • Jargon 2: zabuton (a flat Japanese cushion)
  • Jargon 2: zabuton (a flat Japanese sitting cushion)
  • Ten thousands 10,000 yen bills, that is 100 million yen is called "zabuton."
  • 100 million yen in 10,000 yen bills, is called "zabuton."
Interesting! If "zabuton" is 100 million yen in 10,000 yen bills, then what is "futon" in this context ^_^
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
I can't imagine the amount of futon of bills, haha.
By the way, 10 million yen in 10,000 yen bills is called "renga" (a brick).
You're welcome!^_^

>By the way, 10 million yen in 10,000 yen bills is called "renga" (a brick).

Interesting! Thank you for sharing the knowledge^_^